Breakfast Club

Children learn better at school if they have had a nutritious breakfast and are energised ready to start the day.

Breakfast Club runs from 8am every day. It is open to pupils from Reception to Year 6 who can enjoy a delicious and nutritious breakfast. Breakfast Club costs £1 per day per child. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals may attend Breakfast Club free of charge. Children should arrive at the school no later than 8.40am to take part in Breakfast Club.

Children can enjoy a healthy breakfast which includes cereals, bagels, toast, juice, baked beans and scrambled eggs.

Wake up, Shake Up!

As part of Breakfast Club, Mr Spiteri will lead exercises in the top hall with a different activity each day:

Monday – musical games
Tuesday – football for all
Wednesday – badminton
Thursday – dodge ball

There will be drawing, colouring and board games for children to play with their friends.

We are able to offer this service with the support of Magic Breakfast which works with a network of 450+ schools across the country, giving free food and support to ensure children can make the most of their education without being distracted by being hungry throughout the morning.

To find out more about Magic Breakfast please click on the icon below.