Times of the School Day

The school gates open at 8.45am  and children may go straight to their classes. Gates close at 9am. The school day is organised as shown below.


At Rhyl Community Primary School we expect parents and carers to ensure that children attend school regularly and arrive on time. We also ask that parents and carers contact the school to inform us of reasons for lateness or absence. Use the school answerphone by calling 020 7485 1947 for children in Early Years and Year 1020 or 7485 4899 for Years 2-6.

When you receive your child’s report at the end of the academic year, you will see a percentage figure to show your child’s attendance for that year. There is a concern if your child’s attendance has fallen below 90%. We will recommend the Pupil Attendance Service becomes involved with your child’s attendance and they will contact you about this.

There is a school policy for attendance, which is available for parents to read on request and is available on the Curriculum page of the website under ‘School Policies’. It includes guidance on what is an authorised absence and what is unauthorised absence. No holidays are authorised during term time. If you need to take your child out of school for an emergency, you must apply to the Executive Head Teacher for permission to take special leave. Failure to return on time may mean your child will be taken off roll. Further information about our attendance expectations can be found at the bottom of this page.


Every minute of the school day at Rhyl is valuable learning time, therefore, parents, staff and children work hard to ensure that we have excellent attendance and punctuality at our school.

Each week, awards are presented in assembly to the classes with the highest attendance and punctuality. This is also published in our Newsletter. At the end of each school year, individuals are presented with certificates for 100% attendance throughout the year.