Behaviour and Discipline

At Rhyl we have very high expectations of children’s behaviour, and of the way children interact with one another, with adults and with their environment. We aim for our children to become kind, caring and respectful citizens who are able to demonstrate these values to themselves and to others.

Our behaviour policy, which can be found at the bottom of the page, is based on positive reinforcement and ‘Going for Gold’ which encourages children to aim for exemplary behaviour every day. The Golden Rules support our children to have a safe, enjoyable time at school where they can focus on their learning as well as develop socially and culturally. Children are praised for how they meet the Golden Rules and these are celebrated in achievement assemblies and in our Gold Book.

Our Golden Rules are:

Some of the other rewards children receive at Rhyl:

  • Parents can keep in touch via our positive messages app MarvellousMe
  • We send positive postcards home throughout the year
  • Hot Chocolate with the Head Teacher is an exciting weekly celebration for children who have been nominated by their peers
  • Golden Lunch, where children are served by members of the Senior Leadership Team, is held every Wednesday for children who have received 10 golden stars
  • We announce our classes with 100% attendance over the tannoy everyday
  • Reader of the Week is announced in our Thursday celebration assemblies

Rhyl is a school where all children feel a sense of belonging and show mutual respect for each other. Our children are encouraged to develop a sense of right and wrong and to take responsibility for their actions. We have a positive view on behaviour and work closely with parents to support children who can at times find it difficult to manage their behaviour.

We use Zones of Regulation as a whole school approach used to support the development of self- regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorized into four coloured zones.