At Rhyl we believe that Mathematics equips pupils with a powerful set of skills to understand the world. These skills include logical reasoning, problem solving and ability to think in abstract ways. Mathematics is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, science and technology, the economy and the environment. Mathematical teaching and learning at Rhyl is underpinned by a mastery approach. Every day, children participate in maths activities that promote fluency, reasoning, investigation and problem solving.
Our intent is:
- To provide children with opportunities to develop and improve on essential life skills such as counting, understanding and using shapes and measure.
- To provide children with opportunities to count and make mathematical links through play, singing and adult guided activities – both indoors and outside.
- For pupils will be confident to use mathematical language and develop patience and persistence when solving problems.
In KS1
We know that it is challenging for our pupils who are working at the expected at EYFS to meet the end of Key Stage 1 expectations due to their ability to understand mathematical vocabulary.
Our intent is:
- To provide pupils with opportunities to develop a greater understanding of mathematical vocabulary and foster an environment where it is ok to make ‘good mistakes’ because the journey to finding an answer is most important.
- For pupils to be able to confidently apply learnt skills to problem solve.
In KS2
Our pupils begin KS2 with good fluency skills but are less confident at applying mathematical skills, especially problem solving and reasoning.
Our intent is:
- To develop reasoning skills so that our pupils are confident to apply learnt skills to solve problems, ensuring that pupils attain at least in line as their non-disadvantaged peers.
- For pupils to be able to articulate their reasoning confidently and logically when solving mathematical problems
- For pupils to understand the relevance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts.
During each term, children learn about the following topics:
- Place Value (including the size and order of numbers)
- Additive Reasoning ( addition and subtraction problems)
- Multiplicative reasoning (multiplication and division problems)
- Geometric reasoning (shapes, measurement and time problems)
At Rhyl we aim for every lesson to include fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
- Fluency: We believe it is important for children to learn and memorise key facts.
- Reasoning: We believe that children should be able to give reasons for their answers and to think more critically about their work, justifying their answers.
- Problem solving & Investigations: Maths at Rhyl is taught using real life examples and contexts. Children are challenged to solve problems that will help them become active citizens in the world we live in.
Number Bonds and Times Tables
At Rhyl, we expect all children to learn their number bonds and times tables. This ability to quickly recall number facts allows children to be more efficient at Mathematics. We have regular ‘Olympic Times Tables’ quizzes to improve the speed and stamina of children. Each term we hold ‘Times Table Slam’ competition (Year 3, 4, 5, 6). We celebrate the children who have made the most effort and progress in their speed and efficiency. We also participate in Camden Spring Slam an inter school times tables competition with other Camden primary schools.
Please help your child practise their number bonds and times tables for 1-2 minutes every night.
Our calculation policy has been designed by the Maths leader with input from teaching staff and pupils. It shows the methods children should use for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Some of the strategies might be different from how you learnt at school, so please see the Maths Subject Leader to discuss how Rhyl pupils learn Mathematics.
In EYFS & Year 1 the children are encouraged to play maths games that is modelled in school. In Years 1 and 2 children also receive weekly paper homework.
In Years 3 to 6 the children get weekly online homework. The children are set tasks that support and reinforce their learning from that week. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you would like a login.
All children in Year 3-6 also have a Times Table Rockstar account. They are expected to practise regularly to support the learning of times tables that we do in school. Children in Year 2 receive an account when they are ready to access the content.
A provision is made for children who cannot access internet at home.
Parental workshops
At Rhyl we strive to ensure that parents and carers are involved with their child’s education. Families are invited into school every week to learn how to support their children in maths. At Rhyl we believe that if parents enjoy maths, children will enjoy maths too. We ask families to play mathematical games with their children every week so that children can become confident mathematician. We ensure that we provide families with games and resources each week, so that they have plenty of opportunities to practice their skills. Look out for the school newsletters for more details.
Financial Education
Every year in July, Rhyl has an Enterprise Week, which incorporates Careers, Financial Planning and Enterprise education. Each year group has specific objectives to cover. Topics include learning about the coins/notes, ways to pay, becoming a critical consumer (making choices about spending/saving money) and interest rates. This finishes with a huge Green Enterprise Fair where children sell their products to raise money for an agreed cause.